Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Second Life.. Challenge to Cyber law community

1 Million Members in Second life.. What does it mean?

  • Ever since was started, it has thrown up interesting challenges to the Cyber Laws community. T
  • There have already been a couple of cases filed in the real world regarding “Fraud” or “Proeprty theft” in the secondlife. 
  • The founder of second life, Philip Rosedale has reported thatmembership has crossed 1 million he is concerned about the increasing number of crimes in second life involving property thefts.
  •  It is also reported that the linden currency dropped off under the threat of a malicious programme called “CopyBot” which could duplicate virtual property on second life and recovered only after some security warnings from the administrator 

  • Money launderinglegal experts claim the lax regime could provide a haven for money launderers, fraudsters and even terrorists to hide and move funds … the criminal networks threatening to take advantage of the cyberspace world are all too real. Now a report drawn up for Britain’s Fraud Advisory Panel (FAP) is calling on the Government to extend real-world financial regulation into Second Life and similar games.The Telegraph
    • Online rape  …while individual avatars are supposedly prohibited from taking control of other avatars without permission, savvy users can still use scripts to force submission. As a result, Belgian police are now investigating an SL user’s allegations of a sexual assault that took place entirely onlineFreakonomics
    • Illegal gamblingLinden Lab called in the FBI to assess if its virtual casinos break US laws against online gambling. Steven Phillipsohn, a fraud litigation solicitor and chairman of the FAP’s cybercrime working group, said: “There’s nothing virtual about online crime, it is all too real. It is time government took this seriously. The legitimate benefits of virtual communities will prove enormous, but people need to be aware that this cutting-edge technology has a darker side. Money laundering is the obvious risk.Online Casinos

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